I found out about two other little surprises for this most awesome Mother's Day weekend... I'll be having breakfast in bed on Sunday morning- fun! Of course, again, don't kill the messenger, its only going to be a bagel and coffee since Jack & GG won't sit through Pepe making or me eating a 5 course brunch before we'd both lose our minds. So we're starting the tradition small. I just want the pictures. I also got these gorgeous flowers delivered today.
He does pretty good when he gets them.
Oh, and by the way, that is our brand new bar in the background. Should be finished up on Monday. I can't believe I'm going to post pics before people see the big reveal, or even before its actually finished. But I'm just so stinking excited. I love it. Entertaining will be so fun. Well, hope all you other mommies have a fantastic weekend! I've got my pillow and I'm off to the guest room. : ) zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
wait, before i go, did anyone else see Survivor this week? We just saw it on the dvr. ok, could he BE a bigger idiot? craziest thing I ever saw... well, after the fake idol. okay, okay... where was I? Getting closer to that feeding....
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