You can press pause on the music player at the very bottom to hear the videos posted.

You can press pause on the music player at the very bottom to hear the videos posted.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Patrick's Day Art Session and Snack

The Kindergarten art session today was a big hit with the kids, but maybe not as much as the cupcakes! I don't think I saw one single treat in the trash, as we do so often during class parties. They were devoured! And fast, I barely snapped a few photos before they disappeared. Mrs. Black offered Jack and GG to take the rest, 4 or 6 I think, down to the office so I didn't even get to try them myself or see how the insides turned out since I was so wrapped up in finishing the projects.

Here's a couple pics. I'm putting the full post on Jack's blog since I never have a chance to write, and it really was for him. Click here to see how it turned out....

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